"I recently attended and very much enjoy Musica Nova's Music Wonderland concert. Musica Nova not only provides an excellent standard of musical education to children and adults at low cost. They help families find musical instruments, help them finance purchasing instruments and help families find ways to seek out scholarships and assistance with fees for lessons. They have provided a valuable community service to local people in the area and in the 3 years that they have been based in Cromer St have introduced a number of local young children to music. Camden celebrates being a multi-cultural diverse borough and Musica Nova offers young musicians and artists aged 10-25 years old a great opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Russian and European music and cultural traditions. I wish you continued success with the Academy."
Nurul Islam, Mayor of Camden"What a wonderful music evening! Young artists from Musica Nova School showed the highly professional attitude and commitment throughout their performance. It was obvious that they enjoyed their concert experience…"
Mrs. Bond, audience